Common stator failures

Here is a quick crash course on how to understand your ride’s language. Most of the time, before your stator burns, it will tell you it’s feeling sick. Here we go!

Faulty Stator Ignition

If you feel like your engine lacks the power it once had, or it’s harder and harder to start, test your source coil. It is most likely about to die.

While you test it, you may want to also test your pick up coil, as it may be failing too. RMSTATOR has good electrical testing flowcharts to help you with both.

Dead Battery Caused by Stator

If you find yourself with a dead battery, you might have different problems. The stator itself might be dead and is not sending any current to the battery. Or the problem might be on the other side of the circuit: you may have too many accessories draining the battery faster than the stator can charge it.

To know for sure:

  • Unplug every accessory and see if your battery is charging.
  • If not, test your stator. You can use RMSTATOR’s electrical testing flowcharts to help you.

As heat is the #1 enemy of stators, having your engine overheat may result in overheating the stator case as well. All you can do against that is don’t make your engine work too hard for too long.

Bad Stator Installation

Most of the time, a bad job isn’t preceded by any warning. If your harness is not installed correctly and it gets cut off, you will know it when your battery is drained. And if your flywheel is not installed correctly, you will probably notice it only when it loosens and comes off the crankshaft, destroying the entire stator case.

Never Forget to Replace Your Stator's Connectors

Connectors are one of the major causes of stator failures. A bad connection results in heat, and heat melts the connector, creating a short circuit that may fry your stator and other electrical components. Always make sure your connectors are free of corrosion and every time you unplug one, apply dielectric grease before plugging it back, to make sure it is sealed properly.